Effective date:December 1, 2022


1.1 Scope. This “Privacy Policy” applies to the services (the "petZeye Services") provided on and other websites owned by us (the "petZeye Websites") and mobile or desktop applications, as well as other interactions (e.g., customer service requests, user conferences, etc.) you may have with us. petZeye Services specifically include.

1.2 your visit of the petZeye Websites;

1.3 the account to be created by you (the "petZeye User Account");


1.4  Consent. If you do not agree to the terms of our Privacy Policy, do not access or use the petZeye Services, the petZeye Websites, or any other aspect of our business.

1.5  Third Party Providers. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any third party applications or software that are integrated with the petZeye Services through the petZeye Websites (“Third Party Services”), or any other products, services or businesses of any other third party.

1.6  Definitions. "We", "our" and "us" refer to the persons listed in Art .

Basicallywhenever you browse our petZeye Websites, or use our petZeye Services, please observe this Privacy Policy.



2.1 We will record your IP address information when you log in, and iOS system users will record the APP ID used for message push. In order to show you the function of the device, we will collect the information that the device (vehicle tracker, pet tracker and other separate devices) actively upload (requires manufacturers, dealers or consumers to configure device parameters and point to our server) to our server. Including but not limited to latitude and longitude, speed, altitude, direction angle, media files, etc. During use, the following permissions may be applied for according to specific functions (of course, you can refuse, and the relevant functions will not be available after refusal). Displaying your current location on the map requires location permission. Android APP (version 6.0.0), iOS APP (version 6.0.0) starting from this version and later versions, the APP must be bound to the user's mobile phone number. The purpose of collecting such information is to meet the requirements of the network real-name system of relevant laws and regulations. If you refuse to provide this information, you will not be able to use the functions of this software. This application is used to present the data uploaded by the device. Except for the information you actively provide and the information mentioned above, we will not collect your other information through this application.


2.2 Integrated third-party SDK

2.2.1 In order to display location information in the App, we have integrated third-party map SDKs including Baidu Maps "Baidu Maps Privacy Policy" and Google Maps "Google Maps Privacy Policy"; in order to display your location on the map display interface, third-party map SDKs may But not limited to collecting location information (latitude and longitude, precise location, rough location), device information (such as IP address, GNSS information, WiFi status, WiFi parameters, WiFi list, base station information, signal strength information, Bluetooth information, sensor information (vector) , acceleration, pressure), device signal strength information), device identification information (IMEI, IDFA, IDFV, Android ID, MEID, MAC address, OAID, IMSI, hardware serial number), current application information (application name, application version number) , device parameters and system information (system properties, device model, operating system), please check the privacy policy of the current map for details.

2.2.2 Please note that the data collected by the third-party SDK will not be transmitted and stored on the company's servers, but will only be used by the SDK itself to provide services to users.



We transmit APP data to the server through SSL encryption, and use MD5 encryption to store your key information on the server side. We have established a sound information security management team to ensure data security (for example: strictly limit the scope and authority of server access personnel, cross-server data backup, etc.) .

3.1 Data storage time

3.1.1 Track data storage shall not be less than 180 days.

3.1.2 The login information is stored for no less than 180 days.

3.1.3 The report data shall be stored for no less than 60 days.

3.1.4 The storage of media files shall not be less than 15 days.

3.1.5 The storage of alarm information shall not be less than 10 days.

3.1.6 For equipment that has been in arrears for more than 1 year or has been offline for more than 2 years, we will clean it up from time to time and stop using it for safety.

3.1.7 Users who have registered for more than 2 years and do not continue to use their accounts will be cleaned up from time to time for security reasons and stopped using.

3.2 Data storage location

We combined local laws and regulations, and store data collected and generated around the world in the United States.



Unless otherwise stated in this statement, we will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your consent unless you authorize us to do so.

4.1 The software will not disclose your information to untrusted third parties.

4.2 In accordance with the relevant provisions of the law, or the requirements of administrative or judicial institutions, disclosure to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions.

4.3 If you violate the relevant laws, regulations or relevant rules of the country in which the device is used, you need to disclose it to a third party.



5.1 We take all reasonably practicable physical, electronic and administrative safeguards to protect and safeguard your personal information from unauthorized or incidental access, use, and disclosure.

5.2 In order to ensure the security of the information you transmit, we recommend that you take all precautions to protect your personal information when accessing the Internet. For example, change passwords frequently, use a combination of letters and numbers when writing passwords, and make sure you are using a secure browser.



You authorize us to use your personal information during your use of our products and services. If you cancel your account, we will stop using and delete your personal information.

If you decide to no longer use this product, please contact the dealer where you purchased the device or contact us through the contact information at the bottom of this document. After confirming your identity, your account information and usage data will be deleted within 7 working days. Data is not recoverable.



7.1 Definition. “Cookies ” are small text files that are sent to your computer or mobile device by us to enable the functionality of the petZeye Services or to facilitate their use. Each petZeye User Account and browser receives new Cookies, which means that they are always unique .


7.2 Types of Cookies. Cookies can be divided into different categories,depending on their characteristics, as shown in the following.

(a) Storage Duration.

i. Temporary Cookies only exist as long as your browser is open and are automatically deleted when you close your browser.They exist only for the particular period of use of the petZeye Services, i.e., a "session".

ii. Permanent Cookies will exist until deleted by you or your browser or their expiration.

(b) Creator of the Cookies.

i. First-party Cookies are set by us.

ii. Third-party Cookies are set by third parties.

(c) Necessity.

i. Necessary Cookies are technically required for the operation of the petZeye Websites and petZeye Services.

ii. Non-necessary  Cookies are used to improve and facilitate your use of the petZeye Services but are not technically essential. These include, for example,Cookies that are used to create personalized advertising for you.


7.3 Our Cookies. We use the following cookies:

(a) Necessary Cookies;

(b) Analytics Cookies; and

(c)Advertising and social media Cookies.


7.4 Refusing Cookies. You may reject all Cookies, except for necessary Cookies,

(a) when visiting the petZeye Website, via the Cookie banner; or

(b) in your browser settings. How this works, depends on the browser you are using. A link to the instructions for the most common browsers can be found here:

Microsoft Edge:

ii. Mozilla Firefox:

iii. Google Chrome:

iv. Safari:

v. Opera:



8.1 Minimum Age. We allow only persons who are

(a) at least 18 years old; or

(b) younger than 18 years old and have consent of their legal guardian,to use the petZeye  Services.

Basically: if you are below 18, you must not use the petZeye Services without you legal guardians consent.



9.1 Effective Date. This Privacy Policy becomes effective as of 08.09.2022.

9.2 Changes. We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time. Laws,regulations, and industry standards evolve, which may make those changes necessary, or we may make changes to our services or business. We will post the changes to this page and encourage you to review our Privacy Policy to stay informed. If we make changes that materially alter your privacy rights, we will provide additional notice, such as via email or through the Services. If you disagree with the changes to this Privacy Policy, you should deactivate your petZeye User Account.

Basicallyplease check regularly as this Privacy Policy might change over time.



10.1 Individuals located in certain countries, including the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom, have certain statutory rights in relation to their personal data. Subject to any exemptions provided by law, you may have the right to request access to Information, as well as

to seek to update, delete or correct this Information. We will strive to let you do this using the settings and tools provided in your petZeye Services account. If you cannot use the settings and tools, contact us for additional access and assistance.

10.2 To the extent that our processing of your Personal Data is subject to the General Data Protection Regulation, or applicable laws covering the processing of Personal Data in the United Kingdom, we rely on our legitimate interests, described above, to process your data. We may also

process Other Information that constitutes your Personal Data for direct marketing purposes, and you have a right to object to our use of your Personal Data for this purpose at any time.



If you have any comments or suggestions about this application, you can contact us in the following ways. We will review the issue as soon as possible and respond within 15 days of verifying your user identity.

Phone+357 22464500

Business Address:
Iordani Soukiouroglou 10C, 2234 Latsia, Nicosia, Cyprus

EYNWA Zilos Ltd